Tashkent - July 9, 2019 – The International Conference “Fight against falsified and counterfeit medicines”, organised by the Agency for the Development of Pharmaceutical Industry of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held in Tashkent with the support of Sanofi. According to the results of the Conference the Resolution was adopted in the field of cooperation of state bodies, international organizations and private companies for the fight against fake and counterfeit medical products in Uzbekistan.
Very important guests participated in the opening ceremony: Director of the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Sardor Kariyev as well as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Uzbekistan Mrs. Violaine de Villemeur. The Conference united the representatives of the state bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, international organizations as well as the representatives of the major pharmaceutical companies at the Uzbekistan market.
The objective of the event is to attract the attention to the problem of the high volume of the production and distribution of counterfeit medicines as well as to increase the awareness of population about the risks. According to the data of the World Health Organization (WHO), a counterfeit may cause from 100,000 to 1 million deaths every year all over the world.
“The problem of counterfeit medical products discussed by the experts today affects everyone, because counterfeit drugs may cause irreparable harm to health. Europe pays a special attention to the fight against the fake and counterfeit medical products. It is very important not only to discuss this problem, but also to take specific steps to solve it,” Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Uzbekistan Mrs. Violaine de Villemeur commented.
“Today’s Conference is an important event in the field of fight with fake and counterfeit medicines in Uzbekistan. Counterfeit of drugs is the national-scale problem, and each package of counterfeit drug carries the threat to health and life of people. In 2018, the Pharmaceutical Security Institute registered 4405 incidents in the world connected with counterfeit medical products, 665 cases among them were registered in CIS countries. Taking into account the importance of the fight against the common problem carrying real threat to the whole international community, all of us, as participants of the conference have agreed that this problem is a top-priority and may be effectively implemented through private-public partnership by uniting together efforts of state bodies, international organizations and private companies”, Director of the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Sardor Kariyev said.
“Every year, we face new challenges in the field of the public health. Since new innovative therapeutic solutions occur, the counterfeit drug market increases. According to the WHO data, the share of counterfeit drugs at emerging markets, and Uzbekistan is a part of it, may be from 10% to 30% of the share of the whole world counterfeit circulation. We, at Sanofi, are worried about the threat to safety of patients caused by counterfeit and fake medical products, so today we are glad to participate in such important Conference and assist and cooperate in all respects with authorized state bodies in the fight against this problem in the future,” Corporate Security Director of Sanofi Mr. Edmond d'Arvieu added.
To solve the current situation, Mr. Edmond d'Arvieu offered to improve the medical products’ market and unite work of the state, manufacturers, medical advisers, international organizations and end consumers of drugs.
Organizers of the Conference also noted the improved “quality” of counterfeit manufacture that poses special hazard for an end customer, making it more difficult to identify a counterfeit. During 10 years, the Central Laboratory of Sanofi for the fight against counterfeit and fake medical products checked about 39,000 suspicious drugs. This Laboratory is an integral part of the Sanofi’s initiative for the fight against counterfeit and fake medical products.
According to the results of the Conference, it was decided within the frame of the Resolution to take the following steps for the fight against distribution of fake and counterfeit medicines:
- Carry out information campaign in mass media for informing wide public and representatives of authorized bodies about hazards of fake and counterfeit medicines;
- Regularly share information about the cases of detection of counterfeit and fake medical products in order to coordinate efforts on each detected case;
- Render technical support in analysis of suspicious samples in specialized laboratories of international medical product manufacturers;
- Develop partnership between the state and private organizations.
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The main goal of Sanofi is the support of people in healthcare issues. We are the global biopharmaceutical company oriented to human health issues. We prevent diseases with the aid of vaccines, provide innovation methods of treatment for the fight against pain and easement of suffering. We support those few who suffer from rare diseases and those millions people who have chronic diseases.
Sanofi, being an employer of over 100,000 persons in 100 countries of the world, transforms scientific innovations into public health solutions all over the world.
Material was prepared according to Sanofi press-release.
“Medical Express” photo reporter.
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