The 8th CONGRESS OF PEDIATRICIANS OF UZBEKISTAN “Providing Medical Care to Children at the Stage of Reforming the Health Care System of the Republic of Uzbekistan”

The capital’s “International Tashkent” Hotel hosted the 8th Congress of Pediatricians of Uzbekistan with participation of leading researchers and experts from Uzbekistan as well as from Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Russia, Republic of Korea, the USA, Turkey and Ukraine. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Pediatrics, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, and Association of Pediatricians of the Uzbekistan were organizers of the congress. Medical Express Journal acted as the information partner of the congress.

The Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Alisher Shadmanov, expert for the WHO Regional Office for Europe, Sergei Deshevoi, Chief of the Health and Wellbeing, UNICEF Uzbekistan, Dr. Sufang Guo, Rector of the University of Medical Sciences of Turkey, Cevdet Erdöl addressed the participants of the Congress with welcoming remarks.

The purpose of the scientific forum was to discuss achievements over the recent five years and development prospects for subsequent years in the area of child health care in Uzbekistan.

The speakers emphasized that crucial legal and regulatory documents aimed at addressing priority issues related to the birth of healthy children, strengthening the health of children and provision of medical and social assistance to children with orphan and other hereditary and genetic diseases were adopted within the frameworks of the implementation of the 2019-2025 Concept of Health Care System Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was noted that a Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Protection of Reproductive Health of the Citizens” was passed on 11 March 2019, a Presidential Resolution of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Measures to Further Improve Medical and Social Assistance to Children with Rare (Orphan) and Other Hereditary and Genetic Diseases” was adopted on 7 September 2019, and a Law “On Supporting Breastfeeding and Requirements to Food Products for Infants and Young Children” was approved by the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 11 October 2019.

The agenda of the congress included plenary and breakout sessions, satellite conferences, workshops, master classes and surgical operations.












During the plenary session, Prof. Dilorom Akhmedova made a presentation “Recent Advances and Prospects in the Field of Child Health Care at the Stage of Reforming the Health Care System in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, Head of Department of Neonatology at Los Angeles Children’s Hospital (USA), Prof. Ramanathan Rangsami spoke about “Apnea of Newborns: Treatment from Delivery Room to Discharge”, Head of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases under Bulgaria’s Ministry of Health, Prof. Mira Kozhukharova reported on “Current Situation of Measles and Rubella in the European Region of WHO” (European Regional Verification Commission for Measles and Rubella), Head of Pediatrics Chair with a Course on Polyclinical Pediatrics (The Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. I.N. Zakharova delivered a presentation “Implementation of the National Vitamin D Deficiency Program into Practice of a Pediatrician”, Prof. of the Chair of Diabetology and Endocrinology of the State of Budgetary Educational Institution of the Higher Professional Education “Siberian State Medical University” under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, T.V. Saprina spoke about “Protein-Growth-Obesity – Programming Effcts of Child Nutrition”, Prof. of the Chair of Childhood Diseases at State Education Institution of Higher Professional Training “The First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University” under Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, N.A. Geppe presented “Respiratory Diseases – Problems and Perpectives”, Head of Pulmonology Department of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Pediatrcs, Chief Pediatric Pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. F.M. Shamsiev spoke about “Problems of Respiratory Diseases in Children and Ways to Solve them in Uzbekistan” along with other speakers.












The Congress resulted in the adoption of a resolution outlining the results pertaining to the organizational management of health care for children during the health care system reform period in the republic during the recent years, key trends and recommendations for future development of the pediatric service in the country and fulfillment of objectives and indicators in the areas of child health care set forth in the concept of the health system  development in the Republic of Uzbekistan between 2019 and 2025 as well as National Goals and Targets for sustainable development until 2030.

Corr. “Medical Express”

Photo corr. “Medical Express”






















































































































17.10.2019 4114

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