EFIM has joined European Alliance for Value in Health


Today, EFIM joined the 11 associations to form the European Alliance for Value in Health in order to connect different stakeholders to create conditions and inspire others. The Alliance represents a broad group of European  associations  representing patients, scientific  and  professional  societies,  healthcare  managers,  hospitals, regional health authorities and life-science industries. We are in a pivotal moment for European health systems, when the COVID-19 pandemic has put health systems under severe stress and added to the already existing pressures stemming from ageing populations  and  chronic  diseases. Health systems are complex, often fragmented, and heavy with legacy. To a great extent they are still operating on a logic from an older era, built around treating acute illness and disease, and have therefore been struggling to meet the needs coming from today’s demographic, societal and technological developments. The European Alliance for Value in Health will work  together  towards  this  goal  through  building  a  common understanding of the enablers and barriers to transforming health systems in this direction,  through  sharing  and  spreading  knowledge  and  best  practices  and through engaging with policy makers and stakeholders at European, regional and local levels.

Read the full Press Release here

16.11.2020 1976

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