A research and practice conference “Modern Principles of Stroke Patient Management” was conducted on 20 April 2018 under ESO-EAST Programme “Enhancing & Accelerating Stroke Treatment” in Central and Eastern European countries and beyond for a broad medical community. The conference agenda included presentations and discussion of relevant issues pertaining to optimization of stroke care, modern methods of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients. The President of ESO, Professor Valeria Caso (Italy), Chairperson of the Association of Neurologists and Chief Neurologist of Uzbekistan, Professor B.G. Gafurov, WSO Vice-president, Professor Nathan Bornstein (Israel), and Professor Milan Vosko (Austria) gave their presentations and speeches. The conference was attended by leading experts from Armenia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan. 

Stroke is a global health and social problem. According to WHO, more than 20 million cases are registered globally every year. Eight million of them die. Only 20% of the patients are able to return to their previous work.

These facts substantiate that preventive care and enhancing emergency care delivery during an acute period of stroke are priority dimensions globally and in Uzbekistan.

In this area, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Association of Neurologists of Uzbekistan jointly with the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and with support from “Ever Pharma” conduct educational and social programmes. They offer insight into the recent global achievements in stroke treatment and address issues of optimizing the service for good-quality management of stroke.

This a well-known annual education for physicians of related profiles in the medical community of Uzbekistan dedicated to the subject-matter of “Stroke School” that invites international speakers such as WSO Vice-president, Professor Nathan Bornstein (Israel), leading emergency care specialists for stroke cases from Austrian, CIS and Uzbekistan. 

“World Stroke Day” is annually celebrated successfully on October 29 in two areas: prominent international and national experts hold workshops and health information, education and communication campaigns for general public. The public learns about stroke risk factors: high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, high blood cholesterol, low physical activity, smoking, and alcohol abuse. They are informed about early signs of a stroke, the importance of providing first aid properly which, in many cases, saves lives and helps to prevent disability. The project has been implemented in all regions of Uzbekistan, one at a time, since 2011.

Upon the initiative of the Association of Neurologists of Uzbekistan and the European Stroke Organization (ESO), in 2015 Uzbekistan joined the ESO-EAST Programme “Enhancing & Accelerating Stroke Treatment” in Central and Eastern European countries and beyond. The program is aimed at improving care for stroke patients, educational issues, and the organization of statistical data collection on stroke. In our republic, large emergency centers have been engaged into this work, a web-based database for a stroke register has been created, educational activities have been conducted. This year, Uzbekistan is hosting another ESO-EAST meeting on 20 April 2018. Members of the committee, leading international experts will discuss current issues of the organization in this area.


Adapted from information provided by “EVER Neuro Pharma” Company
Prepared by a “Medical Express” correspondent. 

Photo credit: “Medical Express” press photographer.

















































07.05.2018 6427

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