It is a great pleasure to invite you to join the 6th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM), which will be held online May 11-June 17, 2021.
Haemodialysis patients are extremely vulnerable to COVID-19. Their immune response after infection is unclear. We have found high seroconversion rates in this population with 95% developing antibodies. It is unclear if and how long these antibodies persist. Here we investigate this with serial antibody testing.
Doubtless that CAFU is now better structured to promote and develop businesses and sustainable projects between France and Uzbekistan. Accordingly, let us introduce you with Mr. Abduaziz HAKIMOV, a long-standing CAFU member and General Manager of Euromedex for Central Asian and Caucasus countries, who kindly accepted to invest more time and energy to lead the Uzbek CAFU branch as an Executive Director. Warm congratulations to Mr. HAKIMOV: we wish him nothing less than success and happiness within his mandate, and beyond…
Today, EFIM joined the 11 associations to form the European Alliance for Value in Health in order to connect different stakeholders to create conditions and inspire others. The Alliance represents a broad group of European associations representing patients, scientific and professional societies, healthcare managers, hospitals, regional health authorities and life-science industries....
We are pleased to inform you that the European Board of Internal Medicine, EBIM a joint collaboration between EFIM and the UEMS Section of Internal Medicine launched the Educational Platform online...
Dan-Yu Lin, PhD, Donglin Zeng, PhD, Joseph J Eron, MD