Media Reports


  During the days of the Fifth Congress of Urologists of Uzbekistan, the Chairman of the Board and Owner of “BIONORICA SE” Company, Professor Michael Popp, visited a Psychoneurological Clinic named after Kurbanov for treatment and rehabilitation of children afflicted with infantile cerebral palsy. For more than a decade, ill children from Germany, Uzbekistan and other...

15th European Congress of Internal Medicine26.09.2016 5635

More than 1200 internists from across Europe and the world gathered in Amsterdam to attend the 15th European Congress of Internal Medicine on September 2 - 3. Prof. Mark Kramer, the Chair of the ECIM 2016, and Dr. Frank Bosch, the EFIM President, welcomed the participants during the opening ceremony. The largest number of participants came from Portugal (319) and Turkey (273), followed by Spain...

14-th European Congress of Internal Medicine "Internal Medicine without borders" and X National congress of internists07.12.2015 6401

14-th European  Congress  of  Internal  Medicine The X Anniversary National Congress of Russian Internists and the 14th European Congress of Internal Medicine (ECIM) On 14- 16 October, 2015, the X National Congress of Russian Internists and the 14th European Congress of Internal Medicine (ECIM) took place at Moscow’s International Exhibition Center...



The 30th European Congress of Psychiatry, Linking Clinical Practice and Research for Better Mental Health Care in Europe 17.12.2021 949

The 30th European Congress of Psychiatry, Linking Clinical Practice and Research for Better Mental Health Care in Europe organised by the largest association of psychiatrists in Europe, will take place on 2-5 April 2022 in the beautiful and historical city of Budapest, Hungary

Associations between changes in loneliness and social connections, and mental health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Women’s Health Initiative16.12.2021 1047

Older women have faced significant disruptions in social connections during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Whether loneliness increased, or whether a change in loneliness from pre- to intra-pandemic period was associated with mental health during the pandemic is unknown.

MIRCIM 202218.11.2021 1450

Dear Colleagues, It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend the 7th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM) which after several years of COVID-19 limitations will again take place in Krakow, Poland, on May 12-14, 2022.

Genetic testing in the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease: recommendations for clinical practice02.08.2021 1292

The overall diagnostic yield of massively parallel sequencing (MPS) based-tests in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is around 30% for pediatric cases and 6-30% for adult cases. These figures should encourage nephrologists to frequently use genetic testing as a diagnostic means for their patients, but in reality several barriers appear to hinder the implementation of NGS diagnostics in...

MIRCIM 2021 with EFIM and ISIM Sessions14.04.2021 1267

It is a great pleasure to invite you to join the 6th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM), which will be held online May 11-June 17, 2021.

Persistence of antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 in a cohort of haemodialysis patients with COVID-1915.03.2021 1620

Haemodialysis patients are extremely vulnerable to COVID-19. Their immune response after infection is unclear. We have found high seroconversion rates in this population with 95% developing antibodies. It is unclear if and how long these antibodies persist. Here we investigate this with serial antibody testing.


Doubtless that CAFU is now better structured to promote and develop businesses and sustainable projects between France and Uzbekistan. Accordingly, let us introduce you with Mr. Abduaziz HAKIMOV, a long-standing CAFU member and General Manager of Euromedex for Central Asian and Caucasus countries, who kindly accepted to invest more time and energy to lead the Uzbek CAFU branch as an...

EFIM has joined European Alliance for Value in Health16.11.2020 1977

Today, EFIM joined the 11 associations to form the European Alliance for Value in Health in order to connect different stakeholders to create conditions and inspire others. The Alliance represents a broad group of European associations representing patients, scientific and professional societies, healthcare managers, hospitals, regional health authorities and life-science industries....

EBIM launched the Educational Platform22.10.2020 1598

We are pleased to inform you that the European Board of Internal Medicine, EBIM a joint collaboration between EFIM and the UEMS Section of Internal Medicine launched the Educational Platform online...

Evaluating the Efficacy of Therapies in COVID-19 Patients21.08.2020 2515

Dan-Yu Lin, PhD, Donglin Zeng, PhD, Joseph J Eron, MD

Immunogenicity and safety of a recombinant adenovirus type-5-vectored COVID-19 vaccine in healthy adults aged 18 years or older: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial15.08.2020 2747

This is the first randomised controlled trial for assessment of the immunogenicity and safety of a candidate non-replicating adenovirus type-5 (Ad5)-vectored COVID-19 vaccine, aiming to determine an appropriate dose of the candidate vaccine for an efficacy study.

The 8th CONGRESS OF PEDIATRICIANS OF UZBEKISTAN “Providing Medical Care to Children at the Stage of Reforming the Health Care System of the Republic of Uzbekistan” 17.10.2019 4114

The capital’s “International Tashkent” Hotel hosted the 8th Congress of Pediatricians of Uzbekistan with participation of leading researchers and experts from Uzbekistan as well as from Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Russia, Republic of Korea, the USA, Turkey and Ukraine. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republican Specialized Scientific...

Resolution on the fight against falsified and counterfeit medicines was adopted in Tashkent11.07.2019 3805

Tashkent - July 9, 2019 - The International Conference “Fight against falsified and counterfeit medicines”, organised by the Agency for the Development of Pharmaceutical Industry of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held in Tashkent with the support of Sanofi. According to the results of the Conference the Resolution was adopted in the field of cooperation of state...

WEBINAR THE FIRST INNOTECH WORLDWIDE HEALTH WEEK” Micronutrient Deficiency and Its Consequences Using the Examples of Fe and Ca Deficiency” 04.07.2019 3982

An interactive webinar and an expert panel session involving leading international professionals took place during the WORLDWIDE HEALTH WEEK on the 20th of June in Paris, France.